The Berlin Heights Kiwanis are pleased to announce Rory Conrad is the January Student of the Month at Edison High School.
Rory has been chosen for her contributions to Edison High School and the Berlin Heights and Milan communities. Rory’s activities: Speech & Debate Club President (state qualifier 2023 and 2024, national qualifier 2024); Student Council Secretary; Drama Club (event planner, drama council and thespian); National Honor Society; Mock Trial; Writing Club (state
qualifier 2024); Spanish Honor Society; Key Club; Interact Club; bowling team captain (2nd Team All-SBC 2023 and 2024 and first ever 4-year female letterman); cross country (varsity alternate 2023); youth group worship team at The Chapel; DaySpring mission trips to Mexico every summer.
Rory will be attending The Ohio State University majoring in Physics. She then hopes to secure a job at a university or NASA to conduct research and work with particle accelerators. Rory is the daughter of Charles and Tricia Conrad of Norwalk, Ohio.