Morning Announcements for Thursday, September 5th

Happy Birthday Rory Conrad!

The Lady Chargers soccer team earned a hard-fought victory over Clyde by a score of 6-1.  Leading the attack was Amelia Chartrant who notched a hat trick with one goal in the first half and two more in the second while chipping in with an assist in the first half.  Alaina Keegan scored two goals of her own in the first half and added three assists for a very well-rounded attack.  Kellyn Ritchie also had a goal and an assist of her own.  Ella Rogers earned four saves in goal and helped contribute to a great team performance defensively.  The next varsity match for the Lady Chargers is Monday, September 9th vs Tiffin Columbian (Home - 4:30 pm).

Presale tickets for the varsity football game on Friday are available in the athletic office.  All presale tickets are $6. All tickets at the gate are $8.

Starting Monday, September 9th will be boys basketball skill sessions for all those interested in playing basketball this year.  They will be held from 4-5 pm at Edison Elementary School. These sessions are for boys NOT in fall sports.  Please contact Coach Campana for more information.

It’s that time EHS!! Homecoming tickets will be on sale before school and after school in Mrs. Davis's room (204) or during all lunch modules for $15. If you plan to bring a non-Edison student to Homecoming you must pick up a form from Mrs Davis or in the office.  It will need to be completed before they are admitted to the dance on Saturday evening.

Key Club is a service organization sponsored by the Kiwanis Club International. It is a volunteer organization that helps kids and the elderly both in the US and globally. For students who are interested in joining Key Club, dues are $5 if you sign up before September 17th. You can bring your dues to the High School Office.  

Students are reminded that picture day is next Tuesday, September 10th, starting at 8 am.  Order forms were passed out last week in homeroom.  If you need another order form, they are available in the rack outside the office door.  You are also able to order online and that information is also on the order form.   On picture day you will take your completed order form along with payment and give it directly to the photographer.   

Attention senior National Honor Society members - our September meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10 at school in Mrs. Facemire's room. We will discuss important information for senior year. Please let her know if you have any questions.

Juniors and Seniors will have the opportunity to travel to Monroeville for their college and career fair on October 30th.  Permission slips are in Mr. Ceccoli's classroom or you can see Mrs. Bohne to sign up.  Please RSVP for this trip by October 15th and check your email for more details.

Pre-ACT is coming up on September 24th for Juniors.  This is a great opportunity to practice for the ACT in March.

ASVAB testing is coming up on October 8th.  If you want to take the ASVAB, please email Mrs. Bohne to let her know you want to sign up for the test.

We are changing the way you sign up for Charger Period activities.  Mrs. Bohne will email you a Google form with the week's activities.  Choose the activity you wish to attend and note that the sign-up is cut off by 8:00 am on Wednesdays.  Please sign up right away for what you are interested in so you don't miss the cutoff.  If you don't sign up for an activity, you will report to your homeroom.  Thanks!

If you want to participate in the pep rally relay race tomorrow, find a partner and sign up in the library.

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