The weather for today is cloudy with a few snow flurries and a high of 39.
The Charger Cafe will serve a breaded chicken sandwich or Daily Grab & Go, glazed carrot coins, diced pears, and milk
Today’s Thanksgiving Riddle is: You can keep me whole or break me apart either way, I’m important to the Thanksgiving heart. What am I?
We wish good luck to our 7th & 8th grade basketball teams as they compete against Perkins today. The girls will travel while the boys will be here. Admission prices are $5.00 for students and $6.00 for adults.
This Saturday, November 23 the Parents Club is hosting the Annual Community Christmas Bazaar here at the middle school. The hours are from 9am to 3 pm. Admission is only $1.
Any student council rep who is planning on staying after school to help with setting up for the Bazaar should let Mrs. Bishop know by the end of today. We will be assisting from 3-5 pm.
Attention Winter Sports Athletes:
This Monday, November 25 is Sports Picture Day. You will need your complete uniform and your envelope with the correct amount if you are buying your pictures. There is no online ordering.
Project Happy has started and boxes are in the various classrooms for you to put them in. Donations being accepted are small toys, crayons, markers, prepackaged treats, nail polish, combs, or hats and gloves. Any student that brings in an item will be entered into a drawing to help wrap the packages while enjoying Christmas music, snacks, and other fun activities.
The answer for the riddle is that a wishbone is something that can be kept whole or broken apart.
We would like to close with this quote from Lionel Hampton: Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”