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Morning Announcements - Friday, March 8, 2019
Happy Birthday to Victoria Hoffman, Kayla Mancuso, Zepha Murray, Kenneth Warren, Jordan Hoskins, Leo Schnellinger and Nicholas Budovec!

At 7:30 tonight, the Drama play - Big Fish will take place in the auditorium! Tickets are available at the door! You can also see Big Fish tomorrow at 7:30 and Sunday at 2:30! 

State wrestling is going on today and tomorrow.

It’s time to spring your clocks ahead this Sunday! 

Buenos días!  Today is the last day of our celebration of National Foreign Language Week! Lunch in the cafeteria will feature delicious Spanish cuisine. Did you know: Around 75 % of the world saffron production is in Spain! Saffron is one of the essential ingredients of the paella dish! Join us for lunch - Únase a nosotros para el almuerzo!

Attention Math Club Members: The cost of the T-shirt is $10.  Please pay Mrs. Wallrabenstein as soon as possible. The shirts will be delivered by March 12 so that we may wear them on Pi-Day next week. Also, please pay the dues of $5.00 to co-treasurers: Morgan Otto and Jess Stoll or Mrs. Wally as soon as possible.

A reminder to all students taking CCP classes.  Your CCP Intent Form is due to Mrs. Brown by Friday March 22.

Seniors that are going on a job shadow on Tuesday need to get the paperwork to Mr. Goodwin today.

The Edison High School student council will be hosting a movie day on March 22. To choose what movies will be shown, place a suggestion in the selection box in the library for the movie you’d like to see. These movies must be school appropriate.

Congratulations to next year's National Honor Society Officers:  President Piper Nickoli, Vice President Kaylee Ries, Treasurer Adam Fredrick, and Secretary Halle Patton.  Please see Miss Cull sometime today.

This month’s Lead 2 Hope theme is “Spread Kindness”  Students are asked to nominate other students who they see doing good or spreading kindness.  Nomination forms are in the library, place your nomination in the bucket to get a prize.

On Sunday March 10, from 1:00 - 4:00, Cedar Point will be hosting on site interviews.  For more information on what jobs are available check out

Speech and Debate members, please return P.O.I. binders this week. If you have not brought in your NSDA certificate yet, they can be left in Ms. Baughman's mailbox.