The Charger Café will serve General Tso’s Popcorn Chicken or Salad Bar or Daily Grab & Go, rice, broccoli, fortune cookie, assorted fruit, and milk for lunch today.
The weather for today is hazy with a high of 72.
Today’s trivia question is: What year did Memorial Day become an official holiday?
Auditions for Show Choir are Monday, May 22, and Tuesday, May 23. All auditions are held at the high school auditorium.
The 2022-2023 EMS Yearbooks have arrived and the homeroom teachers have handed them out. There are a few extra yearbooks for sale. They will be on a first come first serve basis. Put your $20 in an envelope with your name on it and see that Mrs. Bishop gets it.
The deadline for handing in your Edison High School Summer Volley Youth Camp form and money is May 24. This camp is for grades 3-5 and 6-8.
The answer to today’s trivia question is that in 1968 Memorial Day became an official holiday.
We would like to close with this Winston Churchill: “Never was so much owed by so many few.”