
Edison Elementary School

News from the Principal

Updates and News!!

We have officially used up our 5 allowable calamity days for the 2024-25 school year.  We will now move to the Remote Learning Plan should we need to use days 6-8.  Any days in excess of 8 would need to be made up in person at the end of the school year.  Your child brought home the Remote Learning packets a few weeks ago in preperation of this.  Please make sure these packets remain in a safe spot where you can access them if needed.  I have attached the Remote Learning Plan for Edison Elementary as a reminder of what needs to be done on these days.  If you have any questions please contact your child's teacher.


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

If your child owes student fees for the 2025-25 school year, or any prior year you will be getting a notice sent home this week.  Please send that balance in with your child as soon as possible.  Thank you!
Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Parents:  As we move through the winter months there is always a chance that school could get cancelled due to the weather.  As a school district we are permitted to have 5 calamity days where students are off of school.  For days 6-8 we are required to do Remote Learning Days.  If we exceed 8 calamity days those days would need to be made up in person at the end of the school year.  Attached to this email is the Remote Learning Plan for Edison Elementary should we need to make up days 6,7,8.  On these days your child will be off of school but still be required to complete assignments and join virtual meetings with their teacher.  Our staff has put together Remote Learning packets that will come home this week.   These packets should be kept in a safe place in your home and only completed should we exceed 5 calamity days.  You will get a packet for Day 6, Day 7, and Day 8.  Please read the Remote Learning Plan very carefully so that your family is prepared for these days.  Attendance on these days will be based on completion of the assignments that your child is given.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child's homeroom teacher.  


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Friday, 1/10/2025,  will be an OHIO STATE day as they play for the National Championship!  GO BUCKS!!

We are looking forward to our annual holiday caroling event this Thursday and Friday.  Caroling will start at 9:30 each morning.  Doors will open at 9:10 so please don't try to enter the building before then.  We want to make sure we get our students to class safely before guests start arriving.  Just a reminder that parents should only attend caroling on their assigned day so we have enough seating.  All K-3 students will sing the same songs each day so you don't have to worry about missing anything.  Assigned days are as follows:
Thursday - 2nd and 3rd grade parents
Friday - Kindergarten and 1st grade parents
We look forward to seeing you at our caroling event and appreciate your cooperation in attending only on your assigned day so we can seat everyone comfortably.  
Happy Holidays! 


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Edison Elementary will be hosting their annual Holiday Caroling event on December 19-20.  We will once again be asking that family members only attend on their assigned day due to seating/parking limitations. The students will perform the exact same show each day so you don't have to worry about missing anything.  Please see the attached letter with details.  Thanks! 


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Parents and Guardians,
   Just a cheerful reminder that the PTO is hosting their annual Holiday Shoppe for all students.  If you would like your child to participate, please complete the shopping list and turn in your child's money by this Friday, Dec. 6th.  Forms were sent home with students and also attached with this email for your convenience.
Thank you


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

As we approach the winter season the temperature will continue to drop.  Please remember that we make every effort to take the students outside for recess if the weather allows.  If the temperature is at least 21 degrees with the windchill we will go outside.  Please dress your child appropriately for school and make sure they are prepared for these colder temperatures.  Thank you! 
Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Our annual Veterans Day Assembly will be Monday, November 11 at 9:30 in the elementary gym.  Our K-3 students will be performing for our guests.  All veterans are invited.  Please see the attached letter with details. 


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Picture Retake Day will be on Tuesday, November 19.  If your child was absent from school on the original picture day or you did not like your original photos please use the ordering information below.  If you did not like your original photos you will need to return your entire picture package on this day.  If you have any questions please let us know.
Online Ordering Code is:   1001169415 
***Online ordering access expires 48 hours after Retake Day

Online Ordering Link is:    
Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Just a few reminders about our parent/teacher conference days next week on Monday and Thursday:
  1. Please make sure that you have signed up for a time to meet with your child's teacher.  This is our only set of parent/teacher conferenes this year so we would like ALL parents to be present.
  2. Monday, November 4 we have NO SCHOOL
  3. Thursday, November 7 we will dismiss at 2:00 PM.  Please make sure that if you are picking up your child from school that you are here at 2:00 on Thursday.
  4. We will have child care available in the cafeteria for parent/teacher conferences
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Our annual "Donuts with Dad" event will be Friday, November 1 from 8:00-8:45 at Edison Elementary. Please see the attached letter for details.  We hope to see you there! 


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

On Thursday, October 31, we will have "Wear Your Costume to School Day" at Edison Elementary.  Please see the attached letter with details.  


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

          Next week our 3rd grade students will be taking the English Language Arts state assessment.  I have attached a letter that has the testing details.  Your child will be bringing home this same letter in the next day or so.  Their letter will have the days circled for when they will take the assessment.  We appreciate your help in making sure your child is prepared for the assessment.  


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Our annual Grandparents Day for 2nd and 3rd grade students will be on Thursday, October 17 from 9:30-11:00.  Please see the attached flyer for details.  


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Picture Day is tomorrow at Edison Elementary School.  Please use the information below to order your child's school pictures.  If you are paying by cash or check please send in the picture envelope that came home last week.  Thanks! 

Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Now that we are through the first month of school I wanted to remind everyone of our attendance policies at Edison Elementary School.  This year we will really be monitoring student attendance and setting up attendance intervention meetings with parents if needed.  Success in school is directly related to regular attendance and we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure your child is at school daily.  HB 410 requires us to send absence intervention letters to families of students who miss 38 or more hours in a month or 65 or more hours in a year.  If your child meets these thresholds you will receive a letter from my office.  If a meeting needs to be scheduled that will be included in the letter.  If attendance doesn't improve we will take the next steps in contacting our local truancy officers as needed.  
Also, if you know that your child is going to be absent for any reason please let your child's homeroom teacher know AND email Mrs. Baehr at [email protected]. 
Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Edison Spirit wear is now available to be ordered.  Check out the link and follow the directions.

Picture Day at Edison Elementary is Thursday, October 3rd.  Please see the details below for ordering instructions.  

Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

The Edison Elementary PTO will be sponsoring our 1st Annual Fall Family Fun Night on Thursday, September 26 from 6:00-7:30.  Please see the attached flyer for details.  We hope to see you there! 


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

Starting next week K-1 students will be able to purchase an ice cream treat at lunch.  To make things run smoothly each class will have a scheduled day each week to purchase ice cream.  The schedule is as follows:
Carroll and Lang - Monday
Ketchum and Houser - Tuesday
Neel and Seville - Wednesday
B. Harrington/Peugeot/Geason/Bodie - Friday
 **If you DO NOT want your child to have the ability to purchase ice cream at lunch please login to their lunch account and put a block on it.  This will prohibit them from purchasing extra items.  

Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

The beginning of the school year has gone very smoothly with arrival and dismissal of our walkers and car riders.  I know this can be a very hectic time of the day due to our parking limitations but I wanted to thank all of you for your patience and cooperation as we get our students to and from school safely each day.  I did want to remind everyone that the back parking lot on Center St. is for staff members only.  We have had a few parents parking back here recently.  We dismiss all of our bus riders through this area so please do not park in the staff parking lot due to safety concerns. Thanks again for your patience and cooperation during this busy time!!! 

Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

        Starting Wednesday, September 4, you must drop your child off at the front doors and allow them to walk to class by themselves.  We will have plenty of supervision for the students who still need assistance finding thier classrooms.  We appreciate your help the first couple weeks in getting the children used to walking to their classrooms but in order to maintain the safety and security of the building the students must be dropped off at the front doors moving forward.  Thanks again for your cooperation and have a great holiday weekend!!
        Remember that we DO NOT have school on Monday or Tuesday of next week!! 

Thank you,
David Hermes

Edison Elementary School Administration


If you would like to order Super Charger shirts for the 2024-25 school year please make sure you place your orders by tomorrow evening.  I have attached the flyer with ordering details.  If you have any questions please contact Mr. Hermes at [email protected]


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

08/22/2024  Time is running out to get your cool Super Charger Spirit Apparel.
Edison Elementary Super Charger Shirts.
Easy order through this link!!!

Edison Elementary is in need of paraprofessional substitutes for the 2024-25 school year.  Applicants must complete a non-teaching application and background check.  Information for both of those is attached.  If you are interested in completing the process to become a paraprofessional substitute or have any further questions please contact Mr. Hermes at [email protected].  


Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

We are excited to see everyone on Monday evening at our orientation.  As I said in an earlier email, this year we will be running more of an Open House format so you have more flexibility to visit your child's classroom, talk with the teacher, and drop off supplies.  The only parents that have required meetings in the gymnasium are preschool, kindergarten, and any student who is new to the buildng.  I have attached the 2024-25 orientation information and it is also posted on our school website.  Please make sure you know what homeroom your child is in before Monday evening.  Those lists are also posted on our website.  


Each year the state of Ohio requires schools to assess every kindergarten student using the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA). At Edison Elementary we use the first four days of school to bring in each child for a 45 minute appointment in order to administer the KRA. During this time it also gives the homeroom teacher a chance to meet with your child one-on-one in order to build a relationship as we start the new school year.  I sent out an email yesterday stating that homerooms are posted on the Edison Elementary webpage.  Once you know your child's homeroom teacher you may sign-up for a KRA appointment using the links below.  
From August 20-23 your child will only come to school for their KRA appointment.  Then on August 26 only BOYS will attend and on August 27 only GIRLS will attend.  ALL kindergarten students start on Wednesday, August 28.  

Thank you,
David Hermes
Edison Elementary School Administration

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