The Title 1 program is based on an annual assessment of educational needs. This assessment includes identification of educationally deprived students in the public and private schools in this district. Title 1 services are provided to all eligible, educationally deprived students.
The Board believes parental involvement is a vital part of the Title 1 program. Parental involvement includes, but is not limited to, participation in school activities and programs, training and materials which build parents' capacity to improve their children's learning at home and school.
Title 1 funds are used to augment, not replace, state and local funds. The Board uses these funds to provide equivalent or comparable educational services in all schools receiving Title 1 assistance.
Title 1 Teachers for Edison Elementary School include:
Kindergarten - Miss Brady
1st Grade - Miss Darr
2nd Grade - Mrs. Griffith
3rd Grade - Mrs. Hall
See grade level pages for contact information.
ENLIGHTENING CLUB!!! Once benchmark assessments are complete at the beginning of the year your child may receive an invitation to attend morning Enlightening Club. Please return the permission slip so we can add others if you are unable to attend. ENLIGHTENING starts at 8:00 A.M. Any student dropped off prior to 7:50 will go to 'morning care' (which is a $2.00 daily fee) until Enlightening begins. Enlightening Club builds students reading abilities to make them more successful in the school setting!
Additional Information from the State of Ohio can be found here: